
photo bomb like aaron

I saw this little ditty about Aaron Rogers being a photo-bomber.... it's like the man could not get any cooler if he tried. Photobombing is an underappreciated art

Packer win tonight against Detroit. Ugly win, but still a win, so I'll have it please and thank you.


Ben, Nathan, and I saw the final Twilight movie tonight. Not necessarily a fan, but we felt like we might as well round out the saga by seeing the finale....

Movie Spoiler Alert... some vampire heads get ripped clean off their bodies. And I'm a horrible person who was obviously raised as a boy during my impressionable formative years, because I had a decent chuckle while the tween behind me had a decent emotional breakdown.


Every so often, when there is a crazy huge orange moon, or some whack-a-do walks into work and says something ridiculous, or I notice some grocery store boy watching me pick out a cucumber... (seriously, they put those things on the bottom shelf and wait for you to come over and pick out a good one. dirty grocers )... cutting to the chase here....the idea that The Truman Show is actually taking place in current real-time as "The Britani Show" seems plausible.

I decided to mention this idea to Ben while we were driving to LM the other night. I think he expects me to think of obnoxious things like that and NOT  keep them to myself, but just word vomit them all over the place like I usually do.

Anywho, Ben was completely unfazed, and apparently, the cats and Ben are all paid actors on "The Britani Show." He should stop enabling me.

But... I'm pretty sure that this absurd thought has crossed someone else's  mind at some point.... right? No? Yeah, me neither.


xoxo, b

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