
weekend warrior [part b]

I'm not 100% sure where I left off.... oh well. 

Bachelorette Par-tay in Nashville  
  • 5am + coffee + sick Jessica + minimal sleep = 8.5 hour power thru drive to the glorious country capital of the entire freakin' world
  • Little black dresses, little tank tops, little hotel room, little party favor pins and "Mrs. Mathews" shot glasses
  • Fireball shots + fire-y red lipstick on the "kiss the man" poster = bachelorette pre-gaming
  • Bar dancing, booty shaking (I legitimately won a booty shaking contestone night... what?!)
  • Big hair, big attitudes, big country accents
  • Theme song = Eye of the Tiger. Why? Sometimes magical things like that happen on their own.

And now for the harsh reality: Girls are a gross group when they get together, scream, hug, jump around screaming "I-have-not-seen-you-in-forEVERRR!," and then spend a night or two together in confined spaces. Pillow fights and giggling? More like smeared lipstick, fake eyelashes clinging to life, and no topic frowned upon. But girls already know that. And boys? They should go on pretending. 

Minnesota Bday Bash
mega beer
  • This last weekend was a very short trip up to Minneapolis for Bean's birthday. 
  • Fancy bacon and chocolate donuts and coffee Saturday morning at Glam Doll Donuts
  • Mall of America 6+ hours Saturday afternoon, where I fell in lust with Typo.
  • B at the Mall of America
  • Mall of America also including a fantastic trip through the aquarium where I got to poke and prod water dwelling things. PLUS we took a trip down the underwater aquarium tunnel of awesome which included none other but the apex predator of the seas.... dun nun dun nun... sharks! My tireless educational Shark Week watching on Netflix proves useful yet again.
  • German beer hall and one gigantic stein of beer each
  • Brianna falling into a 12 foot+ snowbank on our way there... but conquering it on the way home
  • Entire backseat of the car to myself on the way home meant that I got to sip my Starbucks coffee drink and knock-off Gatorade and send fat chin Snapchats to all my friends. My lucky, lucky friends. 

Ben in Tampa/Parents on Mexican Cruise/Ben in Boston
  • and I was not/am not. Instead, I'm drudging through a Polar Vortex and having dinner with my cats. Because I'm cool like that. 

xoxo, b

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