Wednesday night, Jessica, Ben and I headed down to the lakefront to watch the USBank fireworks. We threaded our way through the wads of flag tank tops, fried cheese curds, and fat kids waving glow sticks until we reached the breakwater rocks near Discovery World. Once there, we laid stake to a couple flat rocks right at the water's edge. It was literally the perfect spot. You could not get any closer to the show. We cracked open a cold one, leaned back, and got ready for what has always been an awesome show.
And the first 4 minutes that we saw were great.
Then the foggy night and firework smoke mix started creeping in, and before you knew it there were only loud bangs and colorful clouds. It was so sad that it was hilarious.
Ben had brought along a few sparklers, and decided that this was as good as any time to light a couple off. The three little boys next to him got super excited, and asked if they could have a sparkler, too. Ben, being the nice boy that he is, gave them each a sparkler. The little boys lit them off and came back to ask for another. Ben handed them a package of six. The little boys lit them off.
Then one of those snotty nosed little brats walked over to Ben, snapped his fingers and whistled for more.
Jessica, who until now had been laughing hysterically at the firework show mishap, basically choked on her beer and yelled "are you serious?!! Where are your manners!?" At the same time this was happening, I was retrieving my jaw from the ground and exclaiming "ooh hell no!! Benjamin you will not give these boys any more if this is how they behave!!" That naughty little boy realized he had acted like a 10 year old jackass, gave Ben some puppy dog eyes and followed up with a "Excuse me mister, may we please have some more sparklers? We are really enjoying them."
Ben gave them more sparklers.
The moral of the story is, Ben is apparently the good cop and I swear at children.
xoxo, b
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