This morning, I awoke to find the gorgeous sunshine peeking through the shades, and my husband sitting next to me-- fully work attire dressed, including shoes-- playing Angry Birds in Space on his iphone. What a goofy little weirdo.
Anywho, I went to work this morning for a meeting. On my way home, I was driving the Vue with all windows down and the radio up, singing along to the country music just as beautifully as could be.
Out of nowhere, a kamikaze wasp came barreling through my open driver's side window and smacked me in the face at 45 mph. Now, it should be noted that the only time I enjoy any interaction with bees or wasps or the likes is when I have at least 2-3 cans of wasp killer spray, and I'm on a stakeout trying to figure out where their nasty little nest is located. THE ONLY TIME. So when this little booger came flying in with a malice intent to harm (it aimed for the face/eyeball region after all), I was less than pleased and a bit caught off guard. And now that stingy demon was sitting next to me on MY seat planning his next move. I couldn't get my flippy flop off my foot since I was technically still driving a vehicle, so I grabbed my purse and tried to squish it..... but that dang thing would not die. I ended up flinging it back out the window using a plant pot, but the whole one and a half minutes was quite the terrifying ordeal.
And then I had a red spot right under my eye that I had to monitor for the rest of the morning.... just in case my body had decided to become bee-allergic within the last couple of years since my last sting. Such drama.
Ron Pope, you're so chill-tastic. Seriously, perfect music to just hang out to.
Perfect for Me
And The Summer Set, who are you? Pop-y little happy songs, that's what.
Love to You
Ron Pope, you're so chill-tastic. Seriously, perfect music to just hang out to.
Perfect for Me
And The Summer Set, who are you? Pop-y little happy songs, that's what.
Love to You
xoxoxoxoxo, b