
hello june!

& just like that, it's june!! come on sunshine and warm weather.... i've been waiting ooh so patiently..... which i don't do well....

sooooo much has been done!
  • our invitations arrived!!! they are pretty/whimsical/classic/awesome. ben and i have spent the last couple of afternoons/nights putting together the pieces and getting them addressed. apparently, they are going to be a dollar and 8 cents each to mail.... so we will be handing out a large number of them directly :) and for whatever reason, getting the invites with our names on them and all made me super giddy. aaaaaaaah we are getting married!!!!!!! 2.5-ish months to go seems to have been the reality check for me... i'm not one to get too worked up about stuff too far in the future, being more of a "right now" to "this week" kind of person. well 2-ish months now falls into that category
  • color scheme has been locked in: black and cream with little accents of blush pinks and gold. here's to compromise :)
  •  bridesmaid dresses have been ordered. cute little things, black on black with a modern vintage twist
  • final details have been nailed down for the reception site
  • ben and i have been scanning in childhood pictures so Jess can make an amazing video for the wedding
  • got in touch with the dj about what's going down august 13th

i'm excited x10 today. 

on memorial day, ben and i went to the milwaukee public museum to see the mummies exhibit. i had wanted to see it super bad, and monday was the last day.... and we both had off of work... and even though it was gorgeous outside, we spent a couple of hours in the museum. because i'm a huge dork.

anywho, it was so freaking amazing! it boggled my mind. i had to see it all. i had to read it all. i had some comments, i had some questions. poor ben followed me around as i read every description and asked him a gazillion random questions and then another gazillion random questions on the way home. he said he really enjoyed it too, just not to the dorky level that i did :)

xoxo, b

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