after spending time in amelia island with the fam, I jumped on a plane and flew to Charlotte, NC (I hit up every time zone...) and then on the loooooongest flight of my life to LAS VEGAS!!! boo ya! First solo plane trip and I survived!
The flight landed in Vegas around 10:30 on Wednesday night... and I was finally meeting up with Ben around 11:30 (thank you mister cab-
driver-oops-i-missed-a-turn-due-to-"construction"). Anywho, the trip consisted mostly of seeing The Price is Right Live (thanks David!), walking around Las Vegas Boulevard, watching Big Elvis sing, sitting poolside in the sun, playing slot machines ("Wizard of Oz" especially... $50 winner here!), and general tomfoolery before heading back to still wintery Wisconsin.
Overall, very very fun stuff! I did have a minor moment of wanting to talk wedding stuff the whole time since Ben and I really never have corresponding days off.... so I did slip some of that in... but we really tried to just have a good time and not worry about deposits and color schemes and invites and all that jazz. It was a great time :)
& now this computer does not want to upload any of my fun pictures from Florida OR Amelia Island. boo.
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