

Hi kids.

It's time for a vaca. I'm twitchy and antsy and I need to go exploring somewhere before my mind explodes... which is a complete possibility-- I heard about it once on Myth Busters. (lie)

Anyways, this is happening. I mean, I've taken days off of work!!! YES! I AM PLANNING AHEAD!!! It's strange, since I'm not much of a planner when it comes to a random roadtrip rendevous.... so I start to feel kinda awesome/giddy.... but then my brain says to me, "Hey Brit, you have a couple days off in a week and a half and you don't know where you're going. Planning ahead? Dude, you suck at planning ahead." So to myself I say "Baby steps, Brain, baby steps."

Vegas? Disney World? Miami, FL? Phoenix, AZ? Key West, FL? New Orleans? Houston, TX? Some miscellaneous little town south of the border because that was the cheapest roundtrip airline ticket? Guess we will all know in a week and a half..... because let's face it, even I am not going to know where we are going until 3 days beforehand. Because that's the way I like it, so why fight it.

Sidebar: We are getting married in 8 months and 3 days. In 8 months and 3 days at this time (10:17 pm), we will be married and getting down on the dance floor. Or something wedding-ish awesome. Holla.


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