
let's get outta this town tonight

Ben and I had an extended weekend of fun in the Fort Myers Beach area this last weekend. Here's the breakdown:

Friday, 1.21.11
The day started out early, with our flight leaving Milwaukee at just a little after 7am. For me-- a definite non-morning individual-- this was difficult. On the way to the airport, my car thermometer read -6 degrees... Florida could not come soon enough!!

Once we landed in FL, we picked up the rental car and drove over to Fort Myers Beach. (The extent of our planning was used up by that point...) It was raining when we got on the island, which made it difficult to really check out our location, but it soon let up and the sun came out. We did some minor exploring and then booked a room at the Holiday Inn and walked around on the beach.

For dinner we got some sushi from the grocery store and some cheap wine (which was kosher fyi). Ben told me that the wine was Jewish communion wine... and I may have believed it for half a minute. That night we went swimming in the heated pool next to the tiki hut bar which was packed with middle aged snow birds with leather skin and too much to drink. It was awesome.

Saturday, 1.22.11
Saturday we woke up and realized that our room just smelled funky. Funky like old and musty. So that was the only night spent at the Holiday Inn. Mostly because it smelled funky and slightly because there was no one remotely close to our age there.

It was super windy and cloudy, so we got in the car and drove over to Sanibel and Captiva Islands. It was pretty... windy and cold! However, we were being good sports and did some major exploring and walking on the beach. All the older people sat in their cars and looked at us like we were nuts. One guy even rolled down his window and told us that "the old people just stay in their cars!!"


pot of clams & oysters
For dinner, we headed to the Lazy Flamingo on Sanibel Island. I had some fried shrimp and Ben got a whole pot full of oysters and clams. He even had to shuck them himself! I was pretty positive that he was going to slice off his finger(s) or half his hand, but we left the restaurant with all limbs intact.

We got back to Fort Myers Beach and got a room at the Lani Kai. That place was a definite spring break hotel... so it was a bit on the cheaper side, but there were more people in their 20's and early 30's. SOOoooOOooo....... it was pretty fun.


My Day!

Today is my day because I got a tatoo on my chest! YES! and then I got a hair cut from Britani! Watched the movie "Town" and attacked the cats! Now I am going to sit in the Hot Tub with a beer! Today is my day! I am Man!



I took a personality test for work.... so of course I wanted Ben to take it too. It's the Jung - Myers-Briggs personality test, and it gives you a better understanding of how an individual comprehends information and basically views the world around them. Super interesting!! (for me at least...)

Ben's typology is ESTP. Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Percieving. Reading through his type, I found a few things that seem to be right on. For example:
  • spontaneous, and tend to act on their impulses
  • tend to have gut feelings with timing and luck
  • demand new challenges in work and play
  • ever optimistic that things will go their way
  • like to walk on the edge of danger, like to take risks
  • great entrapenuers
  • charming, with lots of stories and jokes to tell
My typology is ENTP. Extraverted, iNtuition, Thinking, Percieving. A few of the things mentioned in my typology seem pretty spot on too. Such as:
  • love to play devil's advocate simply for argument's sake
  • clever with problem solving, strategic, generate ideas quickly
  • optimistic, adaptable, spontaneous
  • very much in the here and now, tend to not plan ahead but just jump in and adapt in the moment
  • show little patience with people believed to be wrong or unintelligent
  • drive to understand the world around them
  • jump from one idea to the next as they become no longer interested in them

In conclusion....... both Ben and I are optimistic, adaptable, and spontaneous. WHICH IS GREAT!! I think that's probably why we have been together for so long-- we are constantly keeping each other on our toes, and basically entertaining the crap outta one another :) We should definitly work on some long term planning though, since neither of us seems to be very strong in that arena.


p.s. we are headed to fort myers, fl early friday morning!!! it's in the mid-70's and sunny there. and it has been snowing all freaking day here. i am rather excited. mostly because my birthday is thursday and sunny vaca starts friday.

ben's watching tv... and the tv just said "is today your day?" obviously, yes. yes it is. i highlighted my hair and i feel fine.

AND I got the cute bridesmaid possibility dress in the mail today. Of course I tried it on right away.... but it is pretty much a size too big for me so I can't really tell what it is going to look like. I need a bridesmaid, pronto. Pretty stinking cute though.




There's a show on the tube right now called "Baggage." It's an elimination type dealio based on the weird secrets/habits/behaviors that people have, and whether or not the other person can accept them. So of course, now I'm thinking about the baggage that I have, and the baggage that Ben has, and how we accept those weird things about one another. Funny, strange stuff.

black, blush, and lace! love it.

Update: I found some super cute bridesmaid dresses. I want one for myself. They are only available online, so I ordered one to see what it looks like in person and whether or not it will work with all my bridesmaids. I hope they work out! Very cute.  

Other news: It's fairly cheap to go to Fort Myers, FL from Friday until Tuesday. AND it's in the mid-70's and sunny there. So maybe that's what is going to happen. Ben and I will have to definitly decide tonight. But Ben also found a fairly cheap 3 day cruise that leaves out of Fort Lauderdale Friday night... which may be cheaper than getting a hotel and sightseeing around town. I mean BAM! you're stuck on a boat with stuff to do and see just like that. uuuugh decisions, decisions. My brain hurts.

peace out homeslice,



Hi kids.

It's time for a vaca. I'm twitchy and antsy and I need to go exploring somewhere before my mind explodes... which is a complete possibility-- I heard about it once on Myth Busters. (lie)

Anyways, this is happening. I mean, I've taken days off of work!!! YES! I AM PLANNING AHEAD!!! It's strange, since I'm not much of a planner when it comes to a random roadtrip rendevous.... so I start to feel kinda awesome/giddy.... but then my brain says to me, "Hey Brit, you have a couple days off in a week and a half and you don't know where you're going. Planning ahead? Dude, you suck at planning ahead." So to myself I say "Baby steps, Brain, baby steps."

Vegas? Disney World? Miami, FL? Phoenix, AZ? Key West, FL? New Orleans? Houston, TX? Some miscellaneous little town south of the border because that was the cheapest roundtrip airline ticket? Guess we will all know in a week and a half..... because let's face it, even I am not going to know where we are going until 3 days beforehand. Because that's the way I like it, so why fight it.

Sidebar: We are getting married in 8 months and 3 days. In 8 months and 3 days at this time (10:17 pm), we will be married and getting down on the dance floor. Or something wedding-ish awesome. Holla.



playoff bound

  • Ben got tickets to the Packers/Bears game for this past weekend, so we went with Jessica and Brianna up to Titletown. I was definitly not feeling well... took a trip to the doctor and found out I have bronchitis.... but I couldn't pass up going to the last regular game of the season (which booya! was a win and got the Packers a spot in the playoffs)  
  • Anyways, bronchitis sucks. I barely have an appetite, my throat hurts, I can't sleep through the night, doing the smallest activity wears me out, and I had a delusional temperature the first couple of days. (as in, until this morning) Lame. But thank goodness for a sick day and two black little kitties who showed me how to be lazy all day... and they don't seem to mind my nasty coughing and unshaved legs. And then a wonderful fiance who is going to make me spaghetti for din-din. It's not all bad :)
xoxo, b