
ending july

We went to the drive in theater last weekend and saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. We also saw a weirder than weird movie called Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp. And it was Nathan's birthday, so he went with us and listened to Ben, Jess, and I talk about what he needed to do/try/see while at WLC this fall....... poor kid.

I tried to sleep in today, because I have the day off. Instead, P&N thought that I slept through an alarm and took it upon themselves to awaken me with furry fists of fury.


I love living downtown. I missed it so much!!!!! I love being able to walk pretty much anywhere, and seeing ducks on the river and watching the rowing teams every morning.  LOVE IT!!


Germanfest this weekend at the Summerfest grounds. If they still had das boot to drink my beer from, I would be there right now.... I strongly believe there is such thing as a breakfast beer.


xoxo, b


friday the 13th

This last Friday I loaded up my two black kitties and drove them to the vet in Fort Atkinson. Last Friday was Friday the 13th. So I spent my afternoon with 2 black cats on Friday the 13th. The irony was not lost on me.


After taking P&N to the vet, I went to the cardiologist. I have vasovagal and/or neurocardiogenic syncopal and pre-syncopal symptoms. A.K.A., I faint or get close to fainting sometimes.... and/or when my heart starts beating too fast, my body thinks "ooh hey there, watcha doing getting all worked up? let's just slow this thing back down, mmkay?" and overcompensates and slows my heart rate waaaaaay down, and then I feel like I'm going to pass out. Or I do. Whatevs. But the doctor said I would be fine as long as I don't end up passing out all the time, or pass out and plant my face into something hard and awful.


EDGE O DELLS CAMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fun campground!!! 21+ only, and as my dad said, "that mean fun til someone dials 911."  What a clever fellow

Anywho, we got to the campground around 9pm on Friday night, set up camp, cracked open a cold one, built a fire and got our camp on. Saturday night we met some of our camp neighbors and grabbed a cab to go go-carting and try and get into a nightclub.... 

Go-carting was fun, and I smoked everyone the first time around. This of course lead to a rematch, because a girl wasn't supposed to win. On the second match, I was rudely and abruptly spun out on the first corner, cause insta-bruising and a lost flippy flop that was later recovered after Ben, camp ground friend Luke, and a foreign go-cart worker basically dismantled my go-cart.But my flippy flop was rescued!

 Since the whole cab drive, downtown trip was a last minute ordeal, I didn't have my driver's license. I wasn't able to get into the club, so I had to get sneaky and slip in while some girl was making a scene with her fake ID. Seriously, 25 years old here! I think I can go into your stupid little "las vegas style club." News flash, I doubt it's anything like Vegas kiddos-- you're in the middle of WisDells.   Everyone got in, and we were just about to pay our cover and go dance our buns off when the bouncer realized that I was MIA, but our group was all going in. So the bouncer in his ill-fitting suit ran in like a ninny and flashed a flash light in my face and escorted me out. Loser.

We stayed til Sunday around noon, lounging by the pool. Then we headed back to LM to jump in the lake before headed back home to Milwaukee.


I'm going to do unpacking like a mad woman today. I'm sick of living out of boxes and not having pictures on the walls. Game on, apartment

xoxo, b


if I were a fictional character...

If my personality type were to be compared to a fictional character, I would be Willy Wonka. This is so correct, it hurts. Candy, craziness.... wow.

Ben would be Patrick Bateman from American Psycho... a charming, on-the-go, adventurous, woman-wooing individual. Spot on. Minus any creepy.

xoxo, b


summer in the city


we rented a U-Haul truck the last Thursday in June and loaded up all our junk..... surprise!   Heat advisory the whole dang time..... instant sweat as soon as you walked outside. Thank goodness Ben decided to do some grocery shopping and found 80 bottles of Gatorade for like ten bucks.....thanks to the fam(s) for helping us move!! xoxox



I adore being back downtown!

Tonight... I did some more unpacking and re-arranging and blah blah blah living out of boxes sortta sucks. We've been working on it for a week plus now... but when you literally have to touch EVERYTHING in your living establishment, wrap it in newspaper, stick it in a box, move the box and unpack said box.......uuuugh. buzz kill.


Friday I go to the cardiologist.... I'm a little scared.......


And then this weekend we are going to a 21+ campground. Ben found a place in the Dells with 3 bars, a pool or two, and 30 live bands this weekend. I'm pretty pumped to bust out our new tent and get my tan on, and general camping awesomeness....CAMPING IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!


I had off of work today..... so I was trying to sleep in, when I suddenly became aware of a faint, frantic scratching  noise...... Turns out Ben opened up the dresser to get out his socks or underwear or whatnot and then shut all the drawers before leaving for work.... WELL......... there was a little black kitty hanging out behind the dresser just being awesome....when she got trapped like a Chilean coal miner.   I woke up to a furry black arm waving like the Confederate flag. I don't know whether it was Paris or Nicole, but someone was very, very upset after spending a solid hour in a sock drawer.


xoxo, b