
by this weekend....

By this weekend.... we need to be moved into our new apartment.

As of 5:45-ish tonight, we have made a decision on where we will be living... Tomorrow morning Ben will drop off an application, and hopefully we will be moving and shaking by Wednesday/Thursday night/Friday afternoon/Saturday morning..... & then we can play downtown Saturday night. KA-PLOW! wham-o! Here we go.

Back to boxing everything up-- including the kitties.

xoxo, b


cleaning with vodka

Today I am packing, and cleaning with vodka.

Directions: I have a little spray bottle of Fleishman's vodka, and all I do is prance around the apartment spraying furniture, appliances, my mouth, rugs, curtains, laundry....

But seriously, not my mouth. It's Fleishman's for pete's sake.

Anywho, after a little dabbling of Internet research, I have come to the conclusion that this is a fan-freaking-tastic idea. I like to ad lib, so I think it's better to mix your cleaning alcohols. For example: Cheap vodka in spray bottle. Glass of wine in hand. Brilliant.

I shot Ben a text earlier today telling him of my vodka adventures, and he immediately called. He came to the conclusion that there was now too much vodka in the air, making me mental.

I love sun shine & summer time. & country music, of course.

hey pretty girl

xoxo, b


jaywalking deer

Tonight, I almost hit a deer on the way home. I screamed cuss words at that little *&#^er, because I doubt it had any sort of auto insurance... which means that I would have to deal with that on my own. Not cool.


A little while ago, Ben and I went to visit Brianna at Bar Louie in Bayshore. Long story short(er), I did some bad dancing behind a couple of guys who Bri was taking an order from... then plopped my goofy buns down right next to them since the place was so packed. I then started talking stupid about tator tots and cheap beer for a solid ten minutes before I realized what the gents next to me were talking about....... Pitching. Baseball. Brewers. Shiiiiiiiiit, Brit.  Sure enough, I was sitting next to Loe and Parra, a couple of Milwaukee Brewers pitchers. I think Ben wanted to slap me upside the head.... I know I did.


Our lease is up the end of the month..... less than two weeks. I checked out some apartments downtown on the Riverwalk today. They were cute. I'd like to live downtown again, and so would Benjamin. 


The air conditioner has been acting a fool for the last couple of days... which is fantastic because it has been humid and in the mid-90's those days. Booooooo. Paris & Nicole are losing their furry little minds. They yell at us all the time, and I've caught them sprawling out on the bathroom floor to keep cool. Poor furballs.


As a side note, I have become a cat drug dealer. I actually grew catnip. And it works, because I gave it to my kitties and I gave it to another kitty and all the kitties got cat drugged crazy. Mhmmm... just a general public service announcement.

xoxo, b


memorial day weekend

This last weekend, Ben and I went back to the homeland for brother[-in-law] Nathan's high school graduation and graduation party. It was a HOT HOT HOT weekend, with temps in the 90's and sunshine.... completely glorious, until the storms rolled in and everything returned to fall-type weather on Memorial Day Monday


We even got to hand wash the new car while at home. I thought it was cute how Ben had rolled up his pants.... & by cute I mean rugged and man-like


While back home, I found all the dried bouquets from our wedding that my mom has been drying in her little garden shed... for almost a YEAR! It's been about nine months since that weddin' shingding we had

While back home, we got to hit up the drive in movie theater for date night!!! Since it was Memorial Day weekend, there were 3 movies playing instead of 2.

We got to see Men in Black 3, some clay-mation animation pirate movie, and Battleship. I fell asleep during the end of the pirate movie, and Ben decided to let me keep sleeping through the beginning of Battleship.... I think it had something to do with how I was munching on the giant popcorn "like a little piggy" and he was having a hard time hearing the major motion picture. No big deal. Neither of the movies I drooled on my pillow through were all that great, and since we had paid a mere $8 each, I'm under the impression that watching one full movie and then taking a little nap is A-ok.


TODAY: I am going to visit a couple of apartments for us..... today happens to be the first of June, and we need to be moved in somewhere by the end of June. Sneaky time sneaking up like that.

*UPDATE: I went to see those apartments today. For the first one, I decided that my pink pepper spray alone would not keep me from being Brit-napped, but maybe staying in my car could help prevent such an event. So I stayed in my car and kept driving right on out of the sketchy-ass neighborhood; a neighborhood where stopping at a street light meant that I could hear a couple of thugs with their "hey baby's" and eye rape. More research next time.... and a buddy system. 


I just adore watching The Ellen Show. She makes me smile, and she really understands how liberating bad dancing is to an individual who just wants to shake her booty.... anywho....

this was FUNNY: 

mrs. bz