
gobble gobble

I bought a 17.5 pound turkey... and I am going to turn that frozen bird into a tasty little meal

It smells soooooo good! Mostly because I am watching that bird like a fat kid watches the dessert table. 

xoxo, b


crazy like you ♥

done with work... ben works til 8:30 tonight... saturday night with nothing to do.... except look up videos on youtube til ben comes home :) sidenote: happy sweetest day! i got a giant cookie... with a little bit missing because ben sampled it before i got home

i don't want the whole world, the sun the moon and all their light. i just want to be the only girl you love all your life....   & then it says stuff about catching fireflies. i LOVE catching fireflies in the middle of summer! i've made ben do that with me numerous times over the years

walk this way.     love me some carrie underwood


walk on the wild side

Brewers' game one of the NLCS... and Ben and I were there! Ben has always wanted season tickets to the games, so this year we did it. 20 ticket pack, and then we got the chance to buy 4 NLCS home game tickets.

So we were there for the win game one.... and there for the embarrassing loss game two. But hey, baseball in October with AMAZING weather?! I'll take it.


This last weekend, Jessica and I did some exploring of the downtown lakefront area. We went out onto the breakwaters walkway and hung out for a bit. Again, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and the lake breeze was heavenly. Not to mention the colorful leaves up and down the lake shore and the freaking sweet view of the Milwaukee skyline. This is also when I figured out I could take cell phone pictures and then text them to my "online album" to retrieve them later. My pictures are no longer destined to die alone, forgotten on my phone! (Not the best pictures.... but they are pictures.)



 Yesterday was a date day at the zoo!

I love the zoo. Since it was a Wednesday afternoon, the only people there were stay at home moms driving strollers like they were tanks in the middle of a war zone, and overweight grandparents huffing and puffing as they tried to catch up with the respective youngster they were in charge of for the afternoon. "Grandma needs you to slow down, Billy" was as commonplace as candles on a birthday cake.

A lot of the attractions (LIKE THE PETTING ZOO!!!!) had shut down at the end of the summer. Obviously, I had desperately wanted to pet the cute little goats and run from the ugly ones, but I wasn't given that opportunity since it was already the middle of October. So I had to settle for checking out the elephants and the giraffes, and mentally adding "ride an elephant and have it give me a hug with its trunk" to my to do list. Then I watched the big cats do things that Paris and Nicole do on a much smaller scale... like sleep.

 The whole fish aquarium thing was pretty cool too.... until Ben told me his plans for getting a LARGER tank. I gently reminded him that he must be crazy, because we already have a 60 gallon tank in the middle of our living room.

  The cutest thing we saw was the baby lions that had recently been born. When we finally figured out where the big cats were, the mom was laying on her back with her feet in the air. Two babies were passed out next to her on the ground, and one little stinker of a baby lion was sleeping on a rock ledge nearby. Cute. I wish they would have been playing with each other and entertaining me in the process, but the whole cute sleeping thing worked, too.

And today it's raining... and kinda chilly. I guess the whole never ending summer thing just ended. Bummer

xoxo, b


hot air balloon

Yesterday was the day I crossed off "ride in a hot air balloon" from my life to do list. AMAZING!!

I started the morning with breakfast in bed from my charming husband... who made me a fresh egg bagel, orange juice and a blueberry muffin. Just as I was melting and mushy, Ben told me that he figured I should have a "nice last meal." He was positive that I would end up so excited once on the balloon that I would fall over the edge and he would be a widower by the end of the afternoon. Regardless of the weird reasoning... I got breakfast in bed! :)

After work, my coworker SW and I booked it to Sullivan to meet JT. The whole hot air balloon excursion was for our one year anniversary at work. We busted open a bottle of Naughty Girl wine (love it) and watched as the crew got the balloon filled with air and ready to go.

We climbed into the basket-- with the remaining wine in our glasses-- and in a matter of seconds we were floating away in the air.

The view was spectacular!! The leaves were still trying to change colors, but the little bits of color and the farmers' fields and the tons of tiny lakes and the winding roads and houses..... it was just so cool.

looking over the edge of the basket!

so many lakes and rivers

shadow from our balloon

another shadow from our balloon

over the treetops

such an awesome experience!

farmer fields
little foot trail in the Kettle Moraine forest

SW taking in the scene

adding some hot air!! disadvantage of being tall = burning head sensation

We floated around for about an hour and a half... the whole while Ben kept me updated via text on the Packers' score against Denver, and the Brewers' playoff game score against the Diamondbacks. The balloon pilot told us that we were going to be landing soon, and that we would be aiming for a soccer field up ahead in the middle of a subdivision.

As we got lower, people started running out of their houses and waving to us with their Packer jerseys and tshirts on. One guy waved and yelled "THE PACKERS WON!!! COME ON BACK FOR A BEER!!!"

We bumped along the ground and came to a rest near the soccer field... but more like the edges of the local cemetery. The people that had come running out of their homes to wave at us before were now armed with cameras and speeding towards us in cars, on bicycles and on foot. The pilot told us that we were not able to get out of the basket until the crew showed up, otherwise without our weight the balloon would take off again.

So here we are, standing in a wicker basket under a giant balloon with people taking our pictures and asking us how the trip was. We joked around that we felt famous... or at the very least like an alien spaceship that just crash landed :)

We got a ride back to the launch site from the ground crew, who told us that we were about 13.5 miles from where we took off. Then we headed to Delafield for some dinner at the Water Street Brewery. Side note: we split a boiled egg wrapped in meat and deep fried with mustard over the top... just because it seemed silly enough. Not bad, and not necessarily good.

Overall, it was an amazing experience that I would LOVE to do again!! Maybe I can get Ben to do it with me... we will see....

xoxo, b