There has been a lot of recent success in our planning process. - booked a venue, picked a date - created and ordered save the date postcards - have the wedding dress narrowed down to 3 choices, to be determined and ordered next Monday or Tuesday - paid for and picked up my wedding bands, paid for Ben's and ordered it - asked the pastor to officiate - food tasting March 19 - and I'd say we are about 70% set on the guest list. But I'm also in a "SUCCESS!" type of mood
A) I should finish writing the post about ben-jamin' and my trip to Fort Myers Beach, FL so that I don't forget the details.
B) I need Ben to be around so that I don't forget the details.
** I need to get my wedding dress ordered before the end of February (apparently). So I will. I will make a decison and pick ONE of the THREE dresses that I am currently stuck on. ooh commitments... we don't do well together.
** Ben & I found a pretty sa-weet place for the reception. His grandparent's place was just going to be too much DIY work for us, and we don't have the DIY time to spend to make it something that we would want it to be. So February was our "let's start from scratch" month. And so, that is what we did. Our [current] plans would move the date up a month, making for an August 13.2011 wedding. I think I'm in love with that date for whatever reason. I like the irony of the 13, and the fact that it's still going to be warm and sunny, and that kids will not be in school yet so more people should be able to make it there, and there's an outside patio. Anyways, it's a restuarant/dance club in Fort Atkinson, WI. There's a dance floor in the center of the room with a small stage for the head table and then graduated seating around the dance floor-- definitely not your typical hotel banquet hall wedding reception. (whew!) Central Coast- reception photos
** It's warming up outside, which makes me crazy excited. And spring cleaning crazy. I had the patio door and the windows open today... because hell, it's sunny and above freezing. It's kinda a big deal.
** Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Our plans for the night included making dinner and watching a movie (typical weekday night). Well, I ended up working late and didn't get home until about 8pm. When I did get home though... Ben surprised me with a Donald Driver picture that I had been eyeing up a few days earlier. It's pretty freaking sweet. And kinda big. And I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that this gift for "me" for "Valentine's day" was actually a gift for mister Benjamin himself. ooh well, I'll just go on pretending that I'm not onto his little game :)
Donald Driverrrrrrrr!! hanging out in my living room
Okay back to spring cleaning and talking to my cats....... don't judge.